Options for how therapy can be
There are lots of options. Sometimes it's hard to express exactly what you want from a therapist, and
it may be different from one day to the next. Here are some different
ways I think about what therapy can be, what you may need or not need,
and the different roles I can play for my clients. We know from science
that having a good connection with the professional you're working with
is one of the most essential ingredients needed for counseling to have
the desired outcome. Communicating clearly from the get go about what
fits and what doesn't fit can help us start on the right foot.
□ I just want to be free to vent and talk in a very unstructured way. I'm focused on getting support not goals
□ I want accountability & reminders from my therapist to help me focus
□ No reminders - it feels like nagging for me
□ I want direction, guidance, and recommendations from my therapist
□ I do NOT want advice from my therapist, I just want to share my thoughts and feelings
□ I have a hard time opening up, I will go slowly and probably take time to share big things
□ I am comfortable being totally open in therapy, I will say whatever is on my mind
□ I like it when a therapist shares their own experiences occasionally
□ I do not want to hear about my therapist's experiences, that annoys me
□ I like spirituality to be woven in, to explore questions of meaning and values
□ I do not want to be asked about anything to do with religion/spirituality
□ I don't want to receive a diagnosis or a label
□ I would like a diagnosis/mental health label if one is applicable
□ I like to have therapy "homework" and use worksheets, journaling, books or podcasts between sessions
□ I just want all of my mental health work to happen during our sessions together, no homework
□ I'm hesitant to bring in a family member or friend for a session with my therapist
□ I would like to bring in a family member or friend to help support me
□ I do not like for therapy sessions to feel like school or education time. That is not therapeutic for me.
□ I want my therapist to teach me new information, skills, and spend at least some of our sessions on learning/education
□ I'd like to practice mindfulness during therapy sessions, at least a little
□ I know meditation is not my thing
I'd like to use creativity, art, theater, hands-on type things during therapy sessions
I prefer for therapy to just be conversations, please no art projects!
"Listening is not a reaction, it is a connection. Listening to a conversation or a story, we don't so much respond as join in - become part of the action."
- Ursula K. Le Guin, the wave in the mind